On five evenings in August, the Fraenkelufer Synagogue will attract visitors with an open-air cinema programme that focuses on contemporary Jewish life in Germany in all its diversity and highlights the confrontation with the past. Discussions with the filmmakers, actors or experts the films.
Every Thursday from 5 August, Jewish films will be shown on the screen in the synagogue garden. On the first evening: Programme Collective member Arkadij Khaet, who will present the 2019 JFBB award-winning hit MASEL TOV COCKTAIL, Shirel Peleg (JFBB 2020 award winner with KISS ME KOSHER), who will show her 2018 short film WIR SIND WIEDER DA, and Natalia Sinelnikova, who will present the film TRAUERWEIDEN.
Sharon Ryba-Kahn's DISPLACED, which will be presented earlier in the programme of the 27th JFBB in Berlin and Potsdam cinemas, will also be shown there on 26 August.
The cinema series is organised together with Jewish Moving Pictures e.V. and supported by the association "1700 Years of Jewish Life in Germany" and the Jewish Community of Berlin. Also involved in the programme selection was Lihi Nagler, who also co-curated the "Zeitreise" section of this year's Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg.