Kuratorium (Board of Trustees)

Matthias Platzeck, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, former Minister President of the State of Brandenburg

Stephan Goericke, Entrepreneur, CEO of ISQI Group, media councilor of mabb, long-time member of the advisory board of JFBB, supporter of the Jerusalem Foundation and other projects

Susanne Krause-Hinrichs, Managing Director F.C. Flick Foundation against Xenophobia, Racism and Intolerance

Brigitte Meier, Potsdam city councillor in business division 3, former managing director of the Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde München und Oberbayern (Israelite Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria )

Nils Busch-Petersen, Chief Executive Officer of the Handelsverband Brandenburg (Brandenburg Trade Association), former member of the JFBB Advisory Board, member of the "Berliner Ratschlag für Demokratie" (Berlin Council for Democracy), member of the Board of Trustees of the "Gesellschaft für christlich-jüdische Zusammenarbeit" (Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation) and Director of the Louis Lewandowski Festival

Thomas Kralinski, State Secretary for Economics and Labor and Head of Office at SMWA

André Schmitz, Former Head of the Senate Chancellery and former Secretary of State for Culture in Berlin, Numerous honorary posts, including Chairman of the Board of the Schwarzkopf Foundation, member of the Board of Trustees of the Berlin Community Foundation and the Society for Christian-Jewish Cooperation

Richard C. Schneider, Journalist, author and documentary filmmaker

Hannah Dannel, expert on Jewish culture, moderator, author and bridge builder. She spent 18 years as a cultural officer at the Central Council of Jews in Germany.

Constant guests:
Kirsten Niehuus, Managing Director of Film Funding at Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg

Hendrik Fischer, State Secretary at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labor and Energy in Brandenburg

Dr. Birgit-Katharine Seemann, Head of the Department of Culture and Media of the State Capital of Potsdam