A woman in the shortlist for the German Film Award
One Woman (written and directed by Jeanine Meerapfel) is nominated in the documentary category.
The German Television Award will be presented on May 12, 2023.
Also nominated as a documentary film is
A Woman
Producer: Titus Kreyenberg; Production Company: unafilm, Malena Filmproduktion
Screenplay and direction: Jeanine Meerapfel
Mosaics of Memory: In her latest film, director Jeanine Meerapfel deals with the biography of her mother. In an intimate way, she remembers a woman for whom the feeling of homelessness was a permanent condition. At the same time, it is the story of the exile experiences of an entire generation in the 20th century.
In her works, director Jeanine Meerapfel not only deals with her own German-Argentinean family biography, but through her films she finds a language with which to express feelings of un/belonging and questions about her own identity and origins. She was born in 1943 as the daughter of German-Jewish emigrants in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires. After completing her studies in journalism, she came to Germany in 1964. She studied at the Institute for Film Design in Ulm, among others with Alexander Kluge, who is still one of the most influential representatives of New German Cinema. Against the backdrop of current political and social debates, Jeanine Meerapfel's films are still highly topical today: themes such as migration, experiences of flight and exile find their way into her films, as does the critical examination of the acute dangers of anti-Semitism and xenophobia. The films are political, but not sober political cinema. Rather, they are very personal confrontations with history, which are always in a highly emotional interrelation with Meerapfel's own family history. This year, the Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg is dedicating a tribute to the director and current president of the Academy of the Arts and is showing seven of her works, which were made between 1980 and today.