section From Real to Reel – Israel: A 75th perspective in films

He Walked Through the Fields

  • Yosef Millo
  • IL
  • 1967
  • 90 Min

Uri Kahana is the Perfect "Sabre", a first generation to be born on Israeli soil. Unfortunately, Uri is a bit "off course" as he finishes his studies and returns to his Kibbutz in a complex mental state as tension rises between his parents and as he fails to feel part of the collective.

Based on Moshe Shamir's book from 1947 of the same title, HE WALKED THROUGH THE FIELDS is the story of Uri, the ultimate "Sabre"; a strong, handsome, and upstanding young man from a Kibbutz who is, above all, committed to fighting for the survival of the Israeli collective even if the price is giving up his individual desires. As he finishes his studies and returns to his Kibbutz, he finds himself in a complex mental state however, as he no longer feels part of the collective and as tension arises between his parents. To make matters worse, he falls in love with Mika, a young woman and new immigrant from "there" (being a Holocaust survivor in the national context of ´47 was shameful and perceived as weak and unfit for the Zionist ethos, too shameful to be spoken aloud) and yet his personal desires have to be prioritized according to the existential needs of a new national home, even if it means sacrificing his own life.
HE WALKED THROUGH THE FIELDS gives fascinating insight into the DNA of a nation oppressed and persecuted for decades, one that survived against all the odds and finally realized a 2000-year-old dream of a secure homeland in which an exemplary moral society could prosper. A blockbuster in Israel in 1967, the film star is the young Assi Dayan, who was known for being Moshe Dayan's son and later directed the myth crusher LIFE ACCORDING TO AGFA.


original title He Walked Through The Fields

international title He Walked Through the Fields

german title He Walked Through the Fields

JFBB section From Real to Reel – Israel: A 75th perspective in films

  • director Yosef Millo

country/countries IL

year 1967

duration 90 Min