Shortfilm program: Cherry Bone

  • Evgenia Gostrer

She was 15 when, in 1996, she came to Germany together with her parents as a Jewish “contingent refugee” ("Kontingentflüchtling"). It took a long time before she realised that you say cherry stone ("Kirschkern") rather than cherry bone ("Kirschknochen"). In this autobiographical animated film, the filmmaker reflects on languages, art, family and self-realisation. *** 15.6. 19.00 Thalia Babelsberg, followed by a discussion with Evgenia Gostrer, director 17.6. 20.30 Delphi Lux, followed by a discussion with Evgenia Gostrer, director


original title Kirschknochen

international title Shortfilm program: Cherry Bone

german title Kirschknochen


  • director Evgenia Gostrer

Portrait of Evgenia Gostrer

Evgenia Gostrer

BIO Evgenia Gostrer is an animation and documentary filmmaker. She was born in Russia, emigrated to Germany with her family at the age of 15 and studied visual communication and animation directing in Munich, Kassel and Potsdam. Evgenia's films have been shown at many film festivals worldwide and won numerous awards. She currently lives and teaches in London.