Sektion Kurzfilmprogramm: Nosh Nosh


  • Sarah Meital Benjamin
  • IL
  • 2023
  • 27

Tsipi überredet ihre beste Freundin Arava zu einem Trip zu den mystischen Grabstätten im Norden Zfads, um sich von ´schlechten Energien` zu befreien. Unterwegs nimmt die Reise der zwei ´Problemkids` dann tatsächlich spirituelle Züge an…

NOSH NOSH Programm 1.


Originalitel Arava

Internationaler Titel Arava

Deutscher Titel Arava

JFBB Sektion Kurzfilmprogramm: Nosh Nosh

  • Regisseur Sarah Meital Benjamin

Land/Länder IL

Jahr 2023

Dauer 27

Portrait of Sarah Meital Benjamin

Sarah Meital Benjamin

BIO Sarah Meital Benjamin, a Jerusalem-born artist and filmmaker, merges mediums, including film, installations, and photography. Her work explores themes of social realism, hybrid identity, and the complexities of human relationships. Focusing on the lives of subcultures and adolescent groups in the Middle East, she captures the gritty aspects of everyday life of fringe groups and their collective memory amidst societal challenges. Benjamin’s collaborative practice and immersive approach to portraiture creates a layer of intimacy and intensity in the narratives she crafts. With award-winning works like the film "Arava" and her photography series "Terminus," capturing the nuanced struggles and resilience of her subjects, Sarah continues in her commitment to shed light on the nuances of existence at the margins of society.