JFBB-Panel: A Journey through time. Jewish experience during the Cold War
© © WFDiF, autor: W. Urbanowicz
Sun, 8/15 4:30 p.m. q Cinema Delphi Lux / Yva-Bogen, Kantstrasse 10, 10623 Berlin, the jfbb presents panel discussion:
A Journey through time. Jewish experience during the Cold War - a German-Polish journey through time and a juxtaposition of cinematic histories on the occasion of DEFA's 75th anniversary.
Lisa Schoss, film scientist with a focus on the reflection of Jewish experience in DEFA fiction films, Kornel Miglus, founder and head of the FilmPolska film festival and film referent at the Instytut Polski in Berlin, and Lihi Nagler, film scientist and programme director of the Warsaw Jewish Film Festival, who leads the discussion, reflect how both DEFA studio and Polish films dealt with Jewish issues during the era of Socialism? What was the general political framework, what points of view and taboos stand out? How did the engagement with Jewish issues evolve in both countries? The discussion will take place between the screenings of THE LAST STAGE (PL 1948; 14:00 pm) and THE BLUM CASE (SBZ 1948; 18:00 pm). The panel talk will be held in English language.
This series A JOURNEY THROUGH TIME - JEWISH EXPERIENCE DURING THE COLD WAR, created as a co-operation of the Jewish Film Festival Berlin / Brandenburg and the Warsaw Jewish Film Festival and co-curated by Lihi Nagler, came about with support from the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.
Please find the complete list of films at the programme. The featured works will also be on show at the Warsaw Jewish Film Festival in November 2021.